Conflict handling – bringing in different approaches.Conflict avoidance strategies for each motivational value system.Understanding your conflict sequence and the difference between behaviours and emotions.Positive and negative levers of influence.Flexing communication styles for each motivational system.Re-thinking your brand – impact re-assessment.People have a deeper understanding and appreciation of others and with that understanding, action plans can be developed and implemented to achieve more desirable results and reduce unwarranted conflict. The SDI® provides a common language so people can talk about interpersonal conflict without actually having a conflict. People who have had training with the SDI® continue to use the language of the SDI® to resolve their conflicts because it is simple, memorable and it accurately describes what is happening in conflict situations.īuilding Relationships Through Using A Common Language The SDI® provides insight into to the motives behind behaviour in conflict.īuilding the SDI® into conflict management training helps people to recognise conflict sooner and resolve it with more acceptable outcomes – while preserving the self-worth of the people involved. Behaviour in conflict can best be understood and managed when the purpose behind it is clear. Avoidance is better, effective management essential.