Opera is designed to integrate communication apps directly into the sidebar. Chrome and its extensions library now dominate modern web browser design, and it shows in Opera, but the trends set by Google have not stopped Opera from developing its own set of features that makes it unique. Opera was one of the first non-Google browsers to adopt Chromium as its base. There is one version of Opera for desktop, three for mobile devices, a Chromebook version, and a gaming version called Opera GX.Ever since Opera was acquired by the Chinese company Qihoo360, the browser’s privacy has become doubtful.Opera is designed with enough features to minimize the need for extensions.Opera is still a unique browser that continues to innovate to this day, as we’ll see in our Opera review below. What began as a browser with a built-in email client has had to modernize in order to stay in the market, most notably by upgrading to Google’s open-source Chromium framework in 2013. It’s gone through some major changes in the two-and-a-half decades since its launch.
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